Are Your Habits Causing Your Tonsil Stones?

Dirty Mouth?

No! Not that kind of dirty mouth. Is your mouth not as clean as it should be? Maintaining good oral hygiene can be difficult to do on a busy schedule. It’s not just a matter of making sure you are brushing and flossing everyday. If you are experiencing a tremendous amount of tonsil stones. Then let’s take a look at what you are eating and drinking. What kinds of food are you eating? Is it junk food type items? Or maybe your eating foods that have sugar and the bits and pieces are sticking to your teeth and gums. Bacteria will thrive on sugar and have a field day in your mouth. The combination of food particles, sugar and extra bacteria make an excellent formula for building tonsil stones. This is also true with what you drink – either it be Pop, Juice, Beer, Wine or Whiskey. The easy fix is just start by taking better care of yourself. Cut back a touch on the things that aren’t the best for you. Making sure that if you are drinking things like pop with are also having some water to balance things out. Also brushing, flossing your teeth and gums daily will be one of the best things you can do! Try and visit your Dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. Your Dentist also help remove any tonsil stones if present at the time.